Monday, June 2, 2008

New Beginnings!

So today is the day that I am starting some new programs in my life. I have to be careful not to overdo things and risk failing, so I am trying to be moderate! That is definitely a challenge for this anal retentive, borderline obsessive compulsive girl, but I am going to give it a try.

The first thing that I am starting to work on this week is dieting. I am very disappointed in myself that I have gained back all the weight that I had lost when I dieted at the end of last year. Why does food have to be so comforting to me? In my mind, food is my friend and I call on it all the time whenever things get tough, stressful or even boring! I also have realized that overeating is a product of trying to gain some control in my life! Control is one of those things that I don't get the pleasure of manipulating in my life since I spend so much of it on-call for work at the mercy of nature and the OB/GYN gods!! I have even been guilty of rewarding myself with food when I feel sorry for myself because I couldn't do what I wanted because I got called in. I really need to work on handling the stress of being on-call all the time a little better!

So, I have decided that I have a goal to lose 18 pounds all together, but I really would like to lose 13 by July 4th! We are having a big Independence Day celebration that will involve bathing suits! And I want to be comfortable wearing one by then. So, that should be reasonable right?? That is only 3-4 pounds per week!

With Weight Watchers, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week, but since I am doing the more extreme diet pill with very low calorie diet again, I think it is reasonable to lose 3-4 pounds per week. I know that some of you are thinking that it is unhealthy to do this type of dieting, (so please don't comment on how bad I am) and I agree with you. But, please realize that because I can't seem to lose weight or stick to a diet plan that is better for me, I feel this is better than not dieting at all. Plus it is only temporary that I do this. I just need help getting the jump start!

My daughter Leah (the second born shown here with me and Tom at her 21st birthday party before she lost her weight) has the willpower and stamina to make it down the gradual path to healthy weight loss and I am so proud of her! She has been following WW's point system of dieting and has taken off pounds that she didn't want and she looks incredible! (Of course she always did though!) It is funny when your kids have attributes that they obviously didn't get from you... I guess we can't take credit for those then can we?? LOL!

So, back on track! I have already started dieting today! I just had a very healthy salad with chicken and light dressing. The second thing that I am starting with my New Beginnings this week is an exercise regime! I am not going to go crazy and go from no exercise to five days a week like I usually would. But I am going to make healthier choices like parking in the lots a little further from the door, and taking the stairs when I can and I will make a goal of 45 minutes of cardio at least three times per week! Moderation right?? So mom, save a spot for me in the morning because unless I get called in, I am coming to the Gym with you!

Wish me luck, I am very motivated and really want to incorporate this type of behavior into my lifestyle. I want very much to be healthy and live a long life!

One final note that is really cool is that my daughter Tiffany has been asked to throw the first pitch at the Threshers game tonight at the Bright House Networks Field. I guess it is sponsored by Wendy's because this was all arranged by her boyfriend Jeremy's mother who works for Wendy's corporation. Tiffany is going to be dressed up like Wendy with the striped dress, red hair and all!! I can't make it to the game, but I am sure that Tom and Michelle (my oldest) will take pictures for me. I will post them as soon as I can! She shouldn't have any trouble getting the ball across the plate since she has been a catcher playing softball for many years!

OK off to design some files for the Wishblading Well! We have to get a bucket out soon or our customers will think we have dropped off the face of the earth! Have a great afternoon!

Kelly :-)


Anonymous said...

I think it is a smart thing to commit in writing what you want to do. I look forward to having you in aerobic class with me and my Bosu class at 7:00 Thurs. AM.

When you're on call, I can see where you would think that you should play it safe and always have food in your tummy to get you thru until you get back home which can be hours.

I'm amazed and in awe at all that you accomplish. I'm proud of you sweetie. Love you, Mom

Barracudasue said...

Best of luck on the diet...although I don't think you NEED one. You look fabulous in your pictures!

Too cool about Tiffany throwing out that first pitch in the Threshers game tonight! Hope to see pictures!

Anxious to see what the next Bucket is on WBW!!!! As one of your DT members, I'm always looking forward to new Buckets..even your "overflowing" ones! LOL

Love the blog...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the diet! I too struggle with that "ailment".

Shelley said...

good luck kelly, I know you can do it.... I wish I had the same motivation :) shelley