Wednesday, December 30, 2009

BitterSWEET Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!

If you have followed my blog for any amount of time you would know that on Wednesday's I usually post a card using a Sweet Sketch Wednesday sketch!  Well today is a little bittersweet because I don't have one for you.  I have had to make the decision to trim down some of my responsiblities a little so I can keep up with my own personal goals  involving my family and paper crafting.  I have decided to resign from the Sweet Sketch Wednesday DT!  :-(

I am starting this New Year with my DT work load lightened by two DT's.  As you previously knew, SheetLoad of Cards is stopping, and now I have resigned from the Sweet Sketch Wednesday DT also. I can't thank Arlana enough for allowing me the opportunity to design with all her talented ladies for the past six months.  I was always amazed with her sketches and plan to continue to use them for my personal card making, but decided that I needed to have a less regimented schedule for designing.

I am continuing with my {ippity} DT, and also Whimsie Doodles, and will finish my last three months as a Dirty Girl for SCS, but I realized towards the end of this year, that by designing for so many teams I was too busy to make cards for my friends and family members for their birthdays and anniversaries and such.  I need to have some days during the week where I can just created for fun like I used to, so I have decided to keep a cap on DT memberships.  I mean the whole reason I do this is to keep in touch with my family and friends.  So if I have been struggling to do that, then something had to give right?

I will be sponsoring a SSW sketch in the future with {ippity} stamps so I will still be involved, but I hope you understand my decision to scale back a bit! Thanks again Arlana!  It was really SWEET working with you!!

I also want to thank Alicia for everything she has done for me on the SheetlLoad DT .  She was the first person to have confidence in me enough to allow me on her DT.  I am so thankful for her and all she has done for me.  I am thrilled though to keep working with her on the Whimsie Doodles DT.  I  know she will fit in perfectly and am happy to continue to work with her! 

Before I close today's post, I wanted to share the last bit of  SheetLoad of Cards submissions that were in this month's final issue...  And yes... they are Christmas again, but sorry I just HAD to share them!!  LOL!  I promise (unless I find some more I forgot to share) that these are the last of my Christmas cards!!  He he!!

I made this for the final issue of SheetLoad of Cards as my beyond the Card project. I made a set of three tags for use on Christmas gifts.  The images are all from Doodle Palace who graciously sponsored our final issue.

Here is the last tag shown on a present!  It is so cute, it doesn't even need wrapping paper.  Don't you love it when your packaging and wrapping can be part of the gift itself?

Here I used the same Gingerbread people to make a card!  Aren't they the cutest?

Well that is all I have for you today! I am still enjoying having my daughter Leah in town from college. We have plans for some shopping and for watching some more Glee on the DVD! Season 1 was released yesterday and she had never seen it before!  It is so fun to watch again!! I love that show!

Be sure to go get this week's sketch from Arlana at the SSW blog and also if you haven't done so already, please go and download your copy of the December eZine from SLC's. They both are awesome sketches to keep in your collection!!

Have a fabulous Wednesday and may your bucket overflow with enough spare time to enjoy making memories with your family!!


Rose said...

We will miss you Kelly! It has been a pleasure designing with you on SSW! Your cards and tags are super cute! Happy New Year!

Arlana 11426 said...

Kelly , You will truley be missed and i want to thanks you for all you did for me and the team. We will look forward in to having you sponsor us. Happy New Year.

Jessica Diedrich said...

I totally hear ya. I have cut back too for this year and I have to say I'm so glad to have time to give my Unity and TGF the love that they deserve and YES! Have time to use like the 50 PTI sets I have purchased, LOL! Congrats on your decision and I'm sure you'll be missed but your work is so inspiring people will keep coming back for more and more! Hugs!!!

mulberry station said...

Kelly, you will be missed. Your cards are always goregous. You have inspired me with your work. I wish you the very best! Happy New Year! And, I can't forget those adorable tags...they are sooo cute!

Katie Skiff said...

Well the SSW sisters will miss you but I look forward to stalking your blog still. I understand, I have fallen for so many stamps that I want to use them more, and not have so much pressure to create. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Ditto all the above hun!
I will miss you and your lovely creations at SSW, but rest assured you won't be shaking me off!
Have a great New Year!
Teri xx

Maren said...

Adorable!! :) Good for you for finding that balance in the new year! Have a great night & hope to see you in 2010! HUGS

sweetbloominscraps said...

Kelly, what cute tags and card! Just love your work and will certainly miss you on the SSW DT. But will be happy that you will be sponsoring us in the near future! Looking forward to seeing your work and will continue to visit your site! Thanks again and have a great New Year!

Sharon said...


Im just catching up on blog post. Im sorry to see you give up some design teams, but happy to see your staying on a few. And you will have more time to create your wonderful cards for friends and family. I know that is the whole reason you gave up designing files. And let me tell you, I know understand why you did, I have only been selling my designs since Oct. and Im so busy, I dont have time to craft freely. So, Im planing a one day a week, free craft day for myself.

I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations this new year.

Hey, you going to stampfest next month, We need to meet up.
